Wildcatdojo Conversations

The Samurai People - Original air date: 4.2020

Sensei Michelle Episode 252

Since September is a 5 week month-and therefore a 'rerun' month, I thought that this was a nice fit with 2 of the episodes of August - The Last Samurai battle and man. This episode doesn't need much explanation.
Don't forget, though, that we ARE on insta @ wildcatdojoconversations.
Hey - can I use the word 'remastered' for our reruns. I try to update the sound as technology allows.
We mention a lot of podcasts that we should do in this episode. And we did them! I won't list them all. Here's a few.
I'll start with the Samurai Philosophy episode:
Both the NInja and the Ronin were mentioned. Here's the ninja:
And the Ronin:
And I'll finish  with our episode on the modern day Last Samurai - Richard Kim:
Well, we've kept you busy and thank you for listening. Have an extra minute - click our "support the show" link below. Thanks! 

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Thanks so much for listening and sharing the podcast with friends. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.)
On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly)
And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo:
http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html .
And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link:
Thank you for listening.