Wildcatdojo Conversations
Karate is for everyone. So, join us each week for a 20 to 25 minute conversation on all types of subjects. We go from managing the distractions of daily life, through martial arts history and people, and common sense concepts to add to your self defense armor. Plus we have interviews and so much more. After spending over 40 years discussing life's challenges in a dojo, (both as a student and as a teacher) I decided it would be fun to share the conversations with everyone. And it is! We're having a great time with our guests each week thinking, talking and very importantly sharing a laugh or two along the way.
Wildcatdojo Conversations
We Visit With our Friend Shihan McKinnon about his Book
A Budoka Odyssey is the title of the book by our guest Shihan TD McKinnon. It's always fun to talk with Shihan, and this is no exception. We talk about where to buy the book - and of course Amazon is there, but so is a site called Lulu.com. Shihan has been a guest many times. I'm going to attach 2 of them here. Back in 2021 interviewing Shihan was a wonderful way for us to meet. Here's the episode:
We've discussed many subjects since then (eventually they'll air on our YouTube Channel - so check it out!) But one that we brought up here was his time running a bodyguarding service. Here's that link:
We love feedback, of course. And we also appreciate it if you click the link below and support the show. Every little bit helps. Thanks!!
Thanks so much for listening and sharing the podcast with friends. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.)
On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly)
And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo:
http://wildcatdojo.com/025-6/podcast.html .
And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link:
Thank you for listening.